What to expect during an anesthesia consultation


During an anesthesia consultation, the anesthesiologist will review the patient's medical history, perform a physical examination, and discuss the patient's concerns and expectations for the procedure.

The anesthesiologist will also explain the different types of anesthesia available and the risks and benefits associated with each one.

Moreover, the anesthesiologist will discuss the patient's current medications and any drug allergies they may have. Some medicines and allergies can affect the administration of anesthesia, so it's essential to identify these early on.

Finally, the anesthesiologist may perform additional tests, such as blood tests or electrocardiograms, to assess the patient's overall health and identify potential risks.

Questions to ask during an anesthesia consultation

An anesthesia consultation allows patients to ask questions and address concerns about the procedure. Some questions that patients may want to ask during an anesthesia consultation include:

  • What type of anesthesia will be used for my operation, and why?
  • What are the risks and benefits associated with the type of anesthesia?
  • How will the anesthesia be administered, and how long will it last?
  • What should I expect during the recovery period?
  • Are there any specific instructions I should follow before the procedure, such as fasting or stopping medications?

Preparing for an anesthesia consultation

To prepare for an anesthesia consultation, patients should gather all relevant medical information, including their and their family's medical history, current medications, and drug allergies. In addition, preparing a list of questions and concerns they want to discuss with the anesthesiologist can help them feel safer.

It's also essential to follow specific instructions the surgical team provides, such as fasting or stopping medications before the procedure. Failure to follow these instructions can increase the risk of complications during the operation.

Anesthesia Consultation Tips You Need To Remember

  1. Get a pen and a piece of paper
    Prepare your questions before meeting the doctor. During the consultation, the patients often forget what they want to ask due to stress. Write down your questions and take notes of critical information. Ask your doctor for extra material to read in peace at home.
  2. Take someone with you to the consultation
    You may need help remembering everything that your doctor said. In that case, an extra pair of ears will make all the difference.
  3. Don’t believe everything you read online
    Nowadays, you can find any information on the Internet. Although there are plenty of reliable sources of information, remember that your physician is the best qualified to provide you with the knowledge and consultation needed.
    By identifying any pre-existing medical conditions and discussing the patient's concerns and expectations, the anesthesiologist ensure that the patient receives the appropriate type and amount of anesthesia for a safe and successful surgical outcome.